[3] POWER to NOIZE: proposal submission
The first edition of NOIZE CRITICAL PARTY had a particular focus on electronic music and all its potential artistic expressions, such as cinema, urban art, literature, body, party, performance, fashion, design, do-it-yourself ethos, among others. In this second edition, we continue these reflections by adding new proposals to explore and consolidate the aspirations of NOIZE. To promote research, interaction, sharing of experiences and studies, this second edition thus inaugurates a Call for Papers.
The submission of proposals runs until May 31, 2021 , and should objectively and sustainably expose the issue to be presented [max. 200 words]. Proposals may be submitted and presented in Portuguese or English, and must be accompanied by a short bio of the author (s), institutional affiliation and contact [max 150 words].
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POWER to the NOIZE: programmatic lines
[.] Electronic music and new forms of music production / publishing.
[.] Electronic music, digital and analog applications and tools.
[.] Electronic music and DIY practices.
[.] Electronic music and migrations, diasporas, postcolonialism and world music scenes.
[.] Electronic music, territorialization vs. deterritorialization.
[.] Electronic music, memory, retromania and heritage studies.
[.] Electronic music and aesthetics of resistance.
[.] Electronic music and gender issues.
[.] Electronic music, new creative frontiers.
[.] Electronic music, aesthetics, performances, body and fashion.
[.] Electronic music, spaces, environments, decor and symbols.
[.] Electronic music, social media and cyberculture.
[.] Rave culture, parties, festivals and after parties.
[.] Digital Aesthetics and Culture VJ.
[.] Electronic music and artistic environments.
[.] EDMC, clubbing and dance floors.
[.] Experimental / exploratory electronic music.
[.] Urban musical cultures and new consumptions and fruition.
[.] Electronic music, genre and LGBTQI +.
[.] Electronic music, consumption and fashion.
[.] Electronic music and cosmopolitanism.
[.] Fête nocturne, clubbing and COVID-19: social and work impacts.
[.] Music consumption, festivals and shows in the age of social distancing.
[.] Domestic space, music and consumption: the room as a dancefloor.
[.] Present and future of electronic music in the context of COVID-19.
Proposal Submission: noizecritical@gmail.com
Inscriptions: FREE (under registration until June 20, 2021).